Corrugated Cable Casing Ducts - dcpipe

Corrugated Cable Casing Ducts

1. Our company is the source manufacturer and can customize the length and size of pipes according to requirements.
2. Our company can customize pipes for special needs according to usage requirements.
3. Our company can provide professional technical consulting and construction guidance services.
4. Our company can provide one-stop shopping and one-stop service.

Corrugated Cable Casing Ducts

Corrugated Cable Ducts are manufactured by hdpe and pvc raw material. It is moslty flexible and hard versions preffering on the electrical, fiberoptic cable lines, internet infrastructure and used many of the cable protection projects. Corrugated Cable ducts are designed for developing of the energy structures in the cities. The corrugated cable ducts are manufacturing from 16 mm and usable all of the cable installation pipelines.



 Cable Ducts are Halogeen Free

Cable Casing Ducts are designed to safely usage and protected to fire.
Hallogen free. Cable ducts are also protected from the ultraviole (UV) lights on the sun or open area and aboveground installation. Corrugated Cable Pipes are flexible, easy connection and installation on the ground or underground.  Corrugated Cable casing ducts are produced in 450N cable casing pipes, 750N cable pipes or 1450N cable protection pipes.

The Most Preferred Pipe for Electricity & Internet Lines Cable Casing Ducts are flexible and applicable everywhere in concrete, in walls, inbuilding area, in city electric networks, internet lines and many areas of the cable used are protecting your cables and installing by time saving


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